Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm back!

I finally got the internet up, so here are some more cake photos!

These are all Birthday cakes I have done for people (including myself!)

This is one of the funnest cakes I have ever done! My daughter got invited to a fancy nancy party for a little girl turning 6 and the theme was Fancy Nancy, so I called and solicited my talents for cheap! Because why would I pass up the opportunity to make a Fancy Nancy cake!! My girlfriend up the street helped me do it, and we had a blast!

This cake was for my dad! my thoughts were following that painting that has the melting clocks
hanging all over the place. I was a little nervous posting this because I have spent way too much time laughing at the cakewrecks blog! (worth your time,

This was my first attempt at the topsy turvy cakes! I haven't made one since, we'll see......

This one was for my brother-in-law and his son who are two days apart in January. They like to hunt.......

I made these cakes for my other daughters 2nd birthday party, we had a ton of balloons for her! They ended up not tasting very good, because I tried a new recipe, (only doable on family, they love me no matter how dry the cake is!) but I loved how they looked!

This is the one I made for my own birthday. No, it doesn't bother me, or my husband! I wanted to try these butterflies I had read about in one of my cake books! They are so fun! it's the same concept as the dragonfly cake.


  1. Yeah, you updated! I loved the Fancy Nancy cake it was my favorite! So I thought I would give you a heads up Brynlee's birthday is in

  2. Oh, I forgot to tell you I love your Header!

  3. Thanks brandi! it's my official logo!
